
Steal the Show with Michael Port

Speeches, job interviews, deal-closing pitches. Do you know the best way to handle yourself in the spotlight? Steal the Show from Heroic Public Speaking is a fast track to learning what it takes to engage your listeners, manage your nerves, and maximize your message's impact in every situation, every time. Through interviews with top performers, listener Q&As, and expert chats with Heroic Public Speaking staff, we’ll help you make the most of every public speaking opportunity to improve results in every aspect of your life. At Heroic Public Speaking, we believe that the most transformative speeches change the world and the people in it—including the speaker. Your host Michael Port is the Founder and CEO of Heroic Public Speaking and a former professional actor, having guest starred on shows like Sex and The City, Law and Order, Third Watch, and many others. He is the New York Times bestselling author of 9 books on the topics of business and public speaking, including Book Yourself Solid, Steal the Show, and The Referable Speaker.
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Steal the Show with Michael Port








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Now displaying: July, 2018
Jul 30, 2018

“If you look at the past decade, I’d be challenged to see another industry as disrupted by technology as speaking.” - Mitch Joel

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Today, most brands and businesses are also trying to be a media company. Selling a product or service is no longer enough. Whether it’s an engaging social media presence or valuable email marketing campaign—this new expectation of content creation provides an unprecedented marketing opportunity for companies all over the world.

However, if we’re not careful, we can fall into the abyss of marketing noise; following templates and sticking to the norms will mask your authentic voice and have you hidden in the crowd.

That’s why on today’s episode of Steal the Show, we are joined by Mitch Joel live at Heroic Public Speaking HQ to discuss content creation. Mitch has been called one of North America’s leading visionaries and the “rockstar of digital marketing” by Strategy Magazine. When brands like Google, Starbucks, Shopify, and GE want to leverage technology to better connect with their customers, they call Mitch.

His first book, Six Pixels of Separation, named after his successful blog and podcast is a business and marketing bestseller. His second book, CTRL ALT Delete was named one of the best business books of 2013 by Amazon.

Listen to this episode to learn the intellectual significance that Mitch brings to the table, and how you can apply Mitch’s wisdom to your brand.

“You have to find the thing that makes you want to create content.”  - Mitch Joel

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Steal The Points

  • Create content that is you, rather than what you think the audience wants.
  • Find a talent agency with speakers who speak on similar topics.
  • There will always be opportunity to write and speak about what’s next.
  • Be mindful of when criticizing other work takes the place of working on your own.
  • Watch the best speakers and read the best authors if you want to speak or write.
Jul 16, 2018

The gift is supposed to represent the value you place on the relationship.” - John Ruhlin

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Why is gift giving such a challenge? We know the people around us; we know their likes, their interests … but when we want to celebrate them, all great gift ideas go out the window. Amazon becomes our search engine. Wine and chocolates are a go-to.

On today’s episode of Steal the Show, we are joined by John Ruhlin to unpack the performance of gift-giving. Yes, gift-giving is a performance--one that has true craft and technique. John is the founder of the Ruhlin Group, a company that develops relationship-building strategies and VIP-gifting programs to increase referrals and strengthen retention with their most important employees, clients, and prospects.

John’s clients include the Chicago Cubs, San Antonio Spurs, DR Horton, Morgan Stanley, St. Louis Blues, and hundreds of other industry leaders and high-end service firms.

His second bestselling book Giftology: The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through the Noise, Increase Referrals, and Strengthen Client Retention can be found here

Listen to today’s episode to hear John’s insights about gift-giving, and how we can best approach the often difficult task of finding that great gift for the people in our lives.

“In business, we call it marketing. And we don’t realize we’re spending money to damage relationships because we’re making it all about us.” - John Ruhlin

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Steal The Points

  • Marketing is typically not gift-giving because we make it about us.
  • Don’t give gifts with a transactional mindset.
  • Try to give gifts that people can use every day rather than those that are consumed and disappear.
  • Treat gift-giving as an opportunity to inspire the recipient, rather than just hand off a possession.
  • Understand what the recipient wants, and then align the gift with that.
Jul 9, 2018

“All that matters is that you are delivering quality content that’s truly transformational and authentic to you.” - AJ Harper

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A book is obviously different than a speech.

But that’s not to say we can’t use the stage to test the ideas for our written work.  When we lean too heavily towards one medium, we corner ourselves to the constraint of that delivery system.

Instead, when we embrace all opportunities and let each speech or article inform what write or say next, we create that artistic synergy that audiences and readers latch onto.

On today’s episode of Steal the Show, we are joined by AJ Harper. AJ is a developmental editor and publishing strategist who has helped hundreds of authors, from newbies to New York Times bestselling authors, write and publish game-changing books, develop significant and loyal followings, and build their brand.

As executive editor for Collaborative Books, AJ has worked with Lisa Nichols, Les Brown, Barbara De Angelis, Dr. George Frazier, and many more.

Listen to today’s episode to hear what AJ has to say about the speaking and writing mediums, so you can thoughtfully utilize each in your advancement as a thought leader.

“Speaking is a very big part of developing the content for a book.” - AJ Harper

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Steal The Points

  • Very few people have the skills to implement a message-based speech or book.
  • When writing, use the word “you” to connect with the reader.
  • Trying to make things clever usually results in things being more complicated.
  • Simplicity comes with mastery over time.
  • Write every day. It doesn’t matter how much, just keep a consistent habit.
  • Use the stage as testing grounds for written content.