
Steal the Show with Michael Port

Speeches, job interviews, deal-closing pitches. Do you know the best way to handle yourself in the spotlight? Steal the Show from Heroic Public Speaking is a fast track to learning what it takes to engage your listeners, manage your nerves, and maximize your message's impact in every situation, every time. Through interviews with top performers, listener Q&As, and expert chats with Heroic Public Speaking staff, we’ll help you make the most of every public speaking opportunity to improve results in every aspect of your life. At Heroic Public Speaking, we believe that the most transformative speeches change the world and the people in it—including the speaker. Your host Michael Port is the Founder and CEO of Heroic Public Speaking and a former professional actor, having guest starred on shows like Sex and The City, Law and Order, Third Watch, and many others. He is the New York Times bestselling author of 9 books on the topics of business and public speaking, including Book Yourself Solid, Steal the Show, and The Referable Speaker.
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Steal the Show with Michael Port








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Now displaying: August, 2018
Aug 27, 2018

 “Our job, as performers, is often to break the rules. That’s what an artist does.” - Michael Port

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On today’s episode of Steal the Show, we explore a listener’s question: how do we make the technical appear in technicolor? Well, he doesn’t exactly ask that. But how does a performer compel on a subject matter where the subject matter is dense, slides are expected, and a podium is the norm? Where’s the balance between what’s expected and breaking the rules to create a memorable experience for the audience?

There’s a difference between being a critic and being a performer. One asks you to purely look at things from the top-down, pointing out what is wrong and what needs fixing. The other asks you to build an entirely new experience from scratch, subverting whatever’s wrong with the old by transcending it with something entirely new.

Listen to this episode to hear how to apply these principles to your own high-stakes moments.

“Audience interaction should be proportionate to the amount of trust you have earned.” - Michael Port

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Steal The Points

  • Work to music that has the same emotional sensibility you want the work to evoke.
  • Break rules by creating an experience that defies expectations.
  • Develop unconventional, creative ways to relay the data to the audience.
  • Just because something is done a particular way doesn’t mean it’s the most effective way.
  • Self-expression is the name of the game, as long as it serves the audience in the room.
Aug 20, 2018

“You have to make it easy for other people to communicate the transformation. Not for you to communicate it for other people.” - Giovanni Marsico

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Thanks to social media, we have the opportunity to engage with audiences before, during, and after events. When we do this, the in-person experience becomes something entirely different for the viewer: it’s the beginning of a performance. Because audience members participated in the conversation online, they feel like a contributor to the show—a member of the tribe.

On today’s episode of Steal the Show, Giovanni Marsico speaks to us about how to build a following. Giovanni—a talent scout, curator, and connector of superheroes—is the founder of Archangel: a private membership community of mission-driven entrepreneurs that are making the world a better place through purpose-driven entrepreneurship and philanthropy.

Listen to this episode to hear Giovanni’s insights on keeping focus while building a tribe for your personal speaking brand.

You can attend Giovanni’s Archangel Summit 2018 here

“When you control your body, voice, and mind in high-stakes situations, then you feel powerful and capable.” - Michael Port

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Steal The Points

  • Ask yourself how your paradigm would change if you had to deliver results before you got paid.
  • Simultaneously build a tribe and solve a problem.
  • Keep your eyes on the big picture by maintaining a wide shot on the landscape.
  • Focus on the larger movement and mission of the event and how attendees will change the world after attending.
  • Be cautious when structuring a company growth strategy under affiliate marketing
Aug 13, 2018

“In this business, you are not doing anything alone.” - Amy Port

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On today’s episode of Steal The Show, we are joined by Amy Port for Part 2 of our conversation. Amy is the Co-Founder & President of Heroic Public Speaking, and today she unpacks the mechanics behind the keynote we delivered at the National Speakers Association Influence 2018 conference.

Tune in to hear the principles we apply to rehearsal, so you too can deliver the same caliber performance.

Last week’s episode, 115 Amy Port on Writing and Performing a Killer Keynote, can be found here.

“It’s not interesting watching people do easy things. It’s interesting watching people do challenging things.” - Michael Port

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Steal The Points

  • Meaning comes from fulfilling commitments beyond what we think is possible.
  • Find the line between self-expression and respect for the character.
  • Surround yourself with collaborators and helpers to empower you to do more.
  • What’s interesting is what’s important. Try to speak and write about that.
  • The level of success is directly proportional to how much responsibility the person is willing to endure.
Aug 6, 2018

“If you’re having to decide whether you should do A or B with your time—you should just wake up earlier.” - Amy Port

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We’ve all been to the convention, where we spend our days sitting in lectures back-to-back, listening to speakers read from their slides. It’s undeniably forgettable, yet we find most abiding by this template when they’re on stage.

So the question becomes: how do you abandon this formula to make a memorable speech.  

On today’s episode of Steal the Show, Co-Founder & President of Heroic Public Speaking, Amy Port joins the show to deconstruct the keynote we delivered at the National Speakers Association Influence 2018 conference. By exposing the process, we reveal the approach necessary to build a killer keynote speech from the ground up. Or in this case, from the diner table up.  

Listen to this episode to learn how to apply these principles to your next speaking gig, no matter how big or small.

“Every choice we make—right down to what we wear—tells the audience how we want to be seen.” - Amy Port

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Steal The Points

  • People lash out in when they feel that their status is questioned.
  • Every artistic process has somebody at the helm.
  • Write scenes that use contrast and high-stakes to fill the room with energy.
  • Stay inside the lane of your strengths when collaborating.
  • Find creative challenges to demonstrate to yourself what you’re capable of.